Wed, Aug 19, 2020
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Technology is everywhere and it is changing at a rapid speed. Almost every industry has gained its share of technological boost and security guard management is no different.
Technology is everywhere and it is changing at a rapid speed. Almost every industry has gained its share of technological boost and security guard management is no different. The advancement brought by technology to Business security is of the next level. Today, business owners are not over-stressed with security concerns as they have reliable ways and advanced workforce management solutions to tackle the issues.
Most technological; developments have increased the efficacy of services security companies offer but a few developments were revolutionary.
Maintaining efficacy and accuracy is the core of security guard services. the modern technological solutions enable the delivery of top-notch and client satisfactory services.
1. Access Control System
Security management companies always dealt with the unauthorized access problem. Thanks to the modern Access Control System, the problem of invasion is no longer a task. The system allows developing special entry points which allows only the authorized personnel to enter the premises. The access can be provided based on key cards access system or thumb impression verification system. Key card system is more credible as the key cards can be deactivated in case a security person is removed from the team. The deactivation can be done remotely and is applied with immediate effects.
2. Remote monitoring via CCTVs
The modern workforce management team offers remote access to almost everything and the CCTVs at the premises are one of them. It is understandable that you want to have your eyes on every movement in the facility at any given time of the day. While earlier the access was limited to a control room located at the facility only, today the modern guard patrol software allows an easy connection set up on your home computer, TV or mobile phone. Whenever you want to check on your security guards and premises, you need an active internet connection to access the CCTV cameras.
3. Guard tour system
Security specialists state that accountability can earn a range of benefits to the company. An accountable security guard is always motivated to keep engaged in its job and ensures that he/ she performs the best. The added alerts, ability to check schedules and apply for leaves or any changes in shift takes the motivation to top-notch, which means better performance. One of the primary concerns of business owners is whether their security guards work efficiently when they are not around. The security guard management software has changed the scenario completely as today several features like Geo-Fencing, GPS tracking, and more are available to ensure you have a track of the security guards movement. While GPS Tracking enables you to track the location of the guard at any given time, the GEO Fencing technology allows you to get alert for any missed checkpoints. Business owners and security supervisors can rest assured that the security guards are completing their tours on time and no crucial checkpoints are being missed. The boon of technology goes far beyond checking the security guards, their location and movement. The latest workforce management tools allow greater monitoring as well as backend management. These technological tools even make client reporting and regulatory compliance more feasible and effective.
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