
3 Tips to Achieve Better Security Guard Tracking

Tue, Nov 2, 2021

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3 Tips to Achieve Better Security Guard Tracking

Security guards are the most crucial aspect of a security company. Anything they do directly impacts the reputation of your company. So, security companies need to keep track of the performance and activities of their guards.

However, it is not easy to keep track of each guard manually. You cannot appoint that many managers! Can you? We guess not! But a security guard management system can help! From managing guard tour schedules to working as a guard tracking device, this system does it all !

Once you have such a system in place, you can track your guards. However, if you are confused about how it works, here are some tips to achieve better guard tracking with guard monitoring systems:

1) GPS Tracking

GPS Tracking

In the absence of technology, you cannot keep an eye on your security guards all the time. Now, we are not saying you have to install cameras or tracking devices for them. You can do it simply by using a security guard management system.

Such a system comes loaded with high-tech features, and the prominent one is GPS tracking. Once your guards have the system installed on their mobile devices, you can locate them. The GPS will let the managers and supervisors know about the location of the guard. So, you can check whether the guard has reached or left the site. With a strict check through GPS tracking, your guards will be serious at work and not play hooky.

So, go for guard monitoring systems that come with GPS tracking features, like the one by Novagems.

The features like Live Location, Offline GPS trails, etc., make guard tracking more effective. So, with a feature-rich security guard management system, you can track your guards in real-time and even when they get offline.

2) Geofencing


If you haven’t heard about geofencing before, let us tell you. A Geo-fence is a technology that works like a virtual fence or barrier set up for a particular location. The technology uses cellular data or GPS for tracking a mobile device. Geofencing triggers a pre-programmed action when the device enters or leaves the virtual barrier.

In simple words, if you set a geo-fence for your guard, you can set a perimeter within which the guard needs to stay or work. The system will notify you if there is any breaching by the guards. So, it gets easier for the managers to track the security guards. If they do not report in time, you can take action right away. The technology gets even better with features like timestamps.

With such features, the managers stay informed about the location and whereabouts of the guards while they are working.

The new-age guard monitoring systems come with technologies like geofencing, making the life of managers easy! So, whenever you plan to incorporate such a system in your business, ask for such features for better tracking.

3) Guard Reporting

Guard Reporting

Security guard tracking systems are known for one-touch reporting by the guards. The managers share daily, weekly, or monthly schedules with the guards. Based on the schedules, the guards report to work with the help of tech-infused report management features. So, the system records daily reports, making it easy for the managers to track the guards.

The managers can check at any time which guard has reported to work and at what time. The feature makes it easy for the managers to keep track of the everyday scheduling and attendance of the guards. It also helps with monthly reports and payrolls as the managers can save the reporting data for future use.

If the guard has not reported, the manager can check with them right away. The system displays all records on one screen with color-coded schedules. So, it gets easy for the managers to track the guards every day.

With these three features or tips, you can achieve better guard tracking. If you are looking for a security guard management system that has all these features, contact Novagems. Our system offers everything you need in your security guard tracking software.

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