
Security Patrol: Protective Equipment Every Patrolling Guard Should Have

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

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Security Patrol: Protective Equipment Every Patrolling Guard Should Have

As a patrolling guard, there are several essential pieces of protective equipment you should have to ensure your safety while on duty. Security companies are always on the lookout for the best security guard equipment checklist they can follow. If you are also looking for that checklist for your security company, you have landed on the right page.

All security companies strive towards one common aim - delivering the best security to their clients. However, it is easier said than done. For security companies to operate smoothly, they need to dodge many bullets. Security guards and patrol officers are always at risk as their job involves danger.

For this reason, security companies are always on the lookout for the best security guard equipment checklist they can follow. If you are also looking for that checklist for your security company, you have landed on the right page.

Here are the top three security guard tools and equipment that your patrolling officers must have with them all the time:

1) Armored Gear

When security guards are on duty, they do everything in their power to provide safety to their clients and everyone around them. So, even if the entire building is under attack, a security guard will tackle the criminals rather than run away for safety.

It is why a security guard needs to have self-defense weapons. However, it is also why security guards or patrolling officers are more prone to attacks. If the guard fires a gunshot, they should expect a backfire. And for this, security guards and patrol officers should always be prepared.

The guards should always have armored gear like bulletproof vests, body armor, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This gear saves them from stabbing attacks, gunshots, shrapnel bullets, etc. So, armored gear is one of the most used security guard accessories for patrol officers.

2) Heavy-duty Footwear and Tactical Belt

Security guards need to be active and alert all the time. Their duty demands them to move from site to site, be prepared for a chase, and practically be on their feet all the time.

So, one of the most crucial personal security equipment pieces for security guards is boots! Provide your guards with tactical boots that help them stay both comfortable and prepared. The tactical boots of security guards should be suitable for multiple terrains and offer flexibility.

On the same note, security guards should also have a tactical belt that they can use to keep their equipment handy. The self-defense weapons should be reachable by a security guard. So, they can easily access them when required. A tactical belt keeps everything intact and in the right place for patrol officers.

3) Mobile Devices

In our security guard equipment checklist, mobile devices are one of the most important things. While we see technology wherever we go, having a tech-fueled mobile device helps security guards in many ways.

With the right guard monitoring system, you can easily access the guard’s location through GPS tracking. So, if the control center needs to locate the guard or a patrolling vehicle, they can access the guard through their mobile device. A guard monitoring system also helps the guard press a button and ask for help from the control center. It is helpful in emergencies when guards need backup. Besides all these security features, such a system in your security guard’s mobile device will help you share schedules and communicate with the guard whenever required.


 4) Flashlight

A high-quality flashlight is indispensable for patrolling dimly lit areas, checking identification, or inspecting dark corners. Look for durable, long-lasting models with adjustable beams, and consider carrying spare batteries. While patrolling the security guard will need this security guard equipment in case he encounters any problem. He might need to patrol areas that are devoid of any lights. It will also protect the patrolling guard against any intruders or criminals. 

5) Pepper Spray 

Non-lethal self-defense tools like pepper spray can be effective in subduing aggressors or providing a means of escape in case of an attack. Check local laws and regulations regarding the use of such tools. Pepper spray can become a very useful security equipment for security guards. It is quick, portable, and easy to use. It will easily subdue the attacker and protect the citizens simultaneously. 

6) A Taser

A Taser also comes under useful security company equipment and is another non-lethal weapon for security guards. Make sure you abide by the local laws and regulations before using them. Keep in mind that using a taser can be tricky and you need to have proper training before using it. 

It can easily stun the attacker and give the security guard a window to get the upper hand in case he needs it. It’s easy to carry, but the security guard should make sure that he is using it only when it’s absolutely necessary. 

7) A Handgun

A security guard is going to face many situations when his life might be in danger. The use of a handgun should never be taken lightly. A security guard shall only use a handgun when he thinks it’s absolutely necessary. Companies shall always abide by local regulations and check if it is allowed for a security guard to have a handgun on him while patrolling. The requirement for a gun depends upon the type of job site the security guard is working on. 

Sometimes he might need to have it on him all of the time and the rest of the time he can avoid it. But it should be handled very carefully as the situation that involves a handgun can take a turn from bad to worse quickly. 

8) A First Aid Kit

It can come in handy at any time. Accidents might happen while the security guard is patrolling the area. The guard might get injured or someone else might need his immediate assistance. A security guard must be able to provide basic first aid to anyone in need. If the situation is dire, then he can be of help and then call for an ambulance. A first aid kit falls under security guard equipment as it will help the security guard.

Security guards are seen as an authority figure in the area. Someone might approach them while seeking assistance, so having a mini first aid kid is also a plus. 

9) Handcuffs

Handcuffs are essential for detaining individuals until law enforcement arrives. Choose reliable handcuffs that are sturdy, secure, and easily accessible on your duty belt. The security guard can use handcuffs to detain the suspects while they wait for the police to arrive. It will provide an extra layer of protection for the security guard as well. They are also a great tool to prevent the escape of a criminal. 

The presence of handcuffs can act as a visual deterrent and convey a sense of authority and control. This can help security guards establish and maintain order in a variety of situations, from dealing with unruly individuals to managing crowd control.

If you are looking for a task management and monitoring system for your security company, get in touch with Novagems.

So, these security equipment pieces that your security guards and patrolling officers need when they are on duty. While they are out there saving others, the safety of your security guards is your responsibility.

Make sure you provide them with the right security guard tools and equipment. So, they can perform their duties effectively and worry-free. With the right equipment, you can reduce the dangers of a security guard and make them feel safe and well-equipped for the job.

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