
How Workforce Management Software helps Security Guard Companies - Novagems

Thu, Oct 22, 2020

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Workforce management system automates security operations. The benefits of security guards software make it an uncompromised tool for security guard companies.

How Workforce Management Software helps Security Guard Companies - Novagems

“Safety is more important than convenience.” - Don Hambidge.”

In the modern world of technology and development, the number of risks to property and processes are just as many as the ways to grow. As the human race advances with industrial and commercial development, the need for safety becomes imperative. Secure and protected premises are the base for profitable business operations. Workforce Management Software enables security guard companies to cater to the client’s security requirements.

What is the Security Guard Management Software?

It is the need of the hour to transit your business from paper-based models to automated, cloud-based software. Such software allows you to bring efficiency and accuracy to the operations. Security Guard Software is a one-stop solution for managing security guards in real-time.

The software enables security guard companies to handle security patrol operations professionally. As a next-gen online platform, the software allows security supervisors to plan, assign, and manage security operations. Similarly, the guards can be made more responsible when performing site tours and submitting reports. With the data available on the Live dashboard, Workforce Management Software brings a lot of transparency in the security processes.

Do I need Workforce Management Software?

An excellent question to evaluate before investing in a promising workforce management solution. In a straight one-liner - yes, you need Workforce Management Software.

There are numerous reasons why integrating a Security Guard Tour Software into your security operations will prove beneficial.

  • Smart security guard services with Security Guard Software

The world needs smart solutions especially for the crucial aspect of the security of property and assets. Paper and pen-based business operations are good for nothing and cost you a lot of time resources. Automation is the key to building more efficient solutions for the clients and their security needs.

Workforce Management Solutions automate manual tasks- from suggesting the most optimal tour routes to tracking the security guards and generating patrol reports. The Security Guard Management Software enables security companies to run smooth processes eliminating errors in manual jobs.

  • GPS tracking and security guard monitoring with Workforce Management Software

The security guards at the site are the core pillars of your security arrangements. If they fail to perform your security services and reputation roll down. Increasing responsibility and accountability in security guards is important for error-free patrolling. Workforce Management Software makes it very easy for security supervisors to track the guards’ movement as they patrol the client sites.

The GPS tracking technology offers more visibility of your security guard patrols. The guard movement can be tracked and recorded eliminating the chances of idle time.

GeoFencing is another great technology used in Security Guard Company Software. The technology raises an alert in case of a missed checkpoint during the guard patrol. As the alerts are reported in real-time, the security guard can be questioned for the gap in following the set patrol route.

  • Manage security guards with Guard Management System:

It is very important to efficiently manage the security guards at duty. Security Guard Software is the right tool to manage security guards and processes. The mobile app access allows security guards to check schedules, acknowledge assigned duties, check-in and out of shifts, submit shift reports, etc. The guard can also check their working hours for payroll management.

Additionally, real-time incident reporting makes lone worker management very easy for supervisors. This boosts the sense of safety and trust in a security guard. Easy and efficient operations offer job satisfaction to the security guards while enabling the supervisors to have better control over the security guards.

  • Premium customer service with Security Guard Management Software:

Customer service is a very crucial aspect of any business including security guard services. The client portal integration in Security Management Software allows security companies to offer top-notch customer services. The client access can be tailored to suit the requirements, nurturing a transparent business relationship, where security guard companies can share permissible data with the clients at any time. A client can check the progress of the security operations on their sites and enjoy peace of mind. This saves time and effort as the client has 24/7 access to the portal, from anywhere in the world.

  • Maximize profits with Workforce Management Software:

Security guard companies do not have to exploit their valuable resources in managing security guards or keeping track of their work hours & overtime. The live GPS Tracking, easy report generation, automated check-in, and out records,  eliminate the need for the manual backend management. This implies that the previous investment in these resources is now free for more meaningful investments.

Novagems is the best Workforce Management Software. It offers all the above-mentioned benefits. A feature-rich and technologically advanced security management solution, Novagems enables security companies to unleash their potential and deliver security services at par with the client’s expectations.

Know more about Novagems and invest in a futuristic tool for efficient security operations.

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