
The Benefits of Using Novagems Security Guard Management Software

Tue, Dec 7, 2021

Read in 4 minutes

In the light of our said mission, we came up with our feature-packed Security Guard Management System.

The Benefits of Using Novagems Security Guard Management Software

Novagems is on a mission - to make task management simpler and smoother! In the light of our said mission, we came up with our feature-packed Security Guard Management System.

If you are here looking for solutions to make the workflow of your security company smoother and faster, we have got you covered. With Novagem’s security management system, you can achieve a managed workflow and so much more!

Curious? Let us explain what our system can do to help your security company.

Works for Both Managers and Guards

For an organization to work smoothly, everyone should play their part. The same goes for a security company where the managers and guards should be on the same page.

Our security guard management system works on both ends. You will get a manager’s app and a guard’s app, and it has different features for both.

So, they can communicate, keep track of guards’ attendance, and work on tasks in real-time. The managers can keep track of the guards, assign tasks, make schedules, and create reports in real-time. On the other hand, the guards can check the schedule, report their entry and exit to the duty, and send alerts during emergencies. There is a lot more that both the users can do at their end, and it works well for all.

Easy to Create, Share, and Follow Schedules


For the managers, our security management system is a blessing! Forget creating schedules and assigning them every day. Use our easily customizable templates to create daily schedules. Copy-paste it every day and make minor edits with ease. It saves a lot of time!

Not only this, but you can also assign colors to different guards and see where they have their duties on a particular day. The color-coding helps you easily visualize the guards’ schedule on the screen.

For the guards, receiving information about their schedules is easier. They get notified whenever the manager updates the duties. And they can access it anywhere. It gets easy to learn about shift timings and location in advance. The security management software also records daily, weekly, and monthly schedules. So, it becomes easier for the managers to keep track of guards’ attendance and reporting timings.

The schedule records also help with payroll creation and report making.

Keeping Track of the Guards


With our security management software installed on every guard’s phone, the managers can keep track of them. Our system comes loaded with features like GPS tracking and geofencing. These features tell the managers or supervisors about the exact location of guards. The information about their whereabouts helps the managers in many ways.

Firstly, the managers learn about the whereabouts of the guards. So, they can check if the guard has reported at the site of their duty or not. If they are not present on-site, the managers can take immediate action.

Secondly, when the guards have GPS tracking them, they can easily ask for help. Our system provides features like panic alerts or incident reporting. So, if they are in an emergency, they can alert the command center by sending a notification through the app. Once the manager receives this notification, they can send help directly to the tracked location. It helps avoid many unfortunate incidents.

Thirdly, features like geofencing allow the managers to set a virtual fence for the guards. For instance, if the guard is on duty for a commercial building, the manager can create a geofence around the building. Whenever the guard leaves the area, the system will notify the manager. So, it tracks the guards and doesn’t let them move from the site during their duty without being noticed.

With these features, you have caught a glimpse of how Novagems security management system can help your security company. For any questions, contact our team, and we will walk you through the process of using our system to its full potential. We are just a phone call away!

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