
How to Win More Commercial Cleaning Contracts

Mon, Jun 10, 2024

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How to Win More Commercial Cleaning Contracts

With how competitive the cleaning industry is, getting commercial cleaning contracts is getting more difficult day by day. Whether you’re a seasoned cleaning professional or just starting your journey, you must have faced a similar issue. But getting cleaning contracts mean that your business is growing and you have a steady income. This steady income is essential to grow your business further.

If your client is not happy with your services, they have many options to choose from. They can find any other commercial cleaning service and shift easily. But where will you find the clients that are ready to switch? And more importantly, how will you convince them to choose you and win the contract when they have plenty of options to choose from? Worry not, this blog post will guide you through the whole process.

So “how to get commercial cleaning contracts?”

Understanding Your Market

Before you start writing cleaning contracts, you need to know where you need to start right? That means researching competitors, identifying target clients, and analyzing market trends. If you have just started your cleaning services company you might not be aware of what you ideal customer type is. Get your research specs on and get started on that then.

Researching Competitors

  • Identify Key Competitors: Know who your main competitors are in the commercial cleaning industry. You must know what you are up against so that you can plan and strategize accordingly. Going into any market without proper research on competition is not advisable.
  • Analyze Their Services: Understand what services they offer and how they market themselves. Are they providing some niche services that you can target as well? The market might be competitive but it has space for all.
  • Evaluate Their Pricing: Compare their pricing strategies to identify how you can position yourself competitively. This is one of the essential steps to get cleaning contracts. A basic research of their website will give you an idea of how they sell their cleaning services and then you can make yours accordingly.

Identifying Target Clients

  • Define Your Ideal Client: Determine the type of businesses that are most likely to need your services (e.g., offices, schools, medical facilities). You will need to stand out of the competition anyhow and make yourself the first choice.
  • Create a Client Profile: Include details such as industry, size, location, and specific cleaning needs. This will help you target them better. Once you start marketing your cleaning business, you will need to send bulk marketing messages. If you have a client profile you can customize the message better.
  • Reach Out to Prospects: Use this profile to focus your marketing and outreach efforts on businesses that fit your ideal client description. Marketing plays a very important role in how to get commercial cleaning contracts. Start with simple marketing strategies and evaluate their performance. If they work then automatically your business will grow.

Building a Winning Commercial Cleaning Proposal

A well-crafted proposal is your key to unlocking new contracts. A strong portfolio shows your experience and the quality of your work. Helping to build trust with potential clients. Potential clients are more likely to trust what they see rather than what you are offering.

Showcasing Your Experience

  • Highlight Key Projects: Include details of significant cleaning contracts you’ve handled. This builds credibility and people will start recognizing you. Highlight what sets you apart from others and make sure the clients know that too.
  • Emphasize Longevity: Showcase long-term contracts to demonstrate reliability and client satisfaction.
  • Provide Metrics: Use quantifiable data to highlight your successes (e.g., reduction in cleaning costs, improvement in cleanliness standards).

Highlighting Client Testimonials

  • Collect Feedback: Regularly ask clients for feedback on your services. Good feedback means that the clients are happy. These happy clients can work like free advertisers for your company. Potential clients are more likely to trust someone they know.
  • Display Testimonials: Prominently feature positive testimonials on your website and marketing materials. Name a few big companies or industries you serve. Collect their thoughts and reviews they have put and display them.
  • Use Case Studies: Develop detailed case studies that highlight how you’ve met and exceeded client expectations.

If you have built a strong quote, then the chances of you getting the cleaning contract will double. Make sure your quote is easy to read and understandable so that the potential client does not get confused. If you are seen as an expert and reliable business in the cleaning industry, you will win a cleaning contract.

Effective Marketing Strategies

Using effective marketing strategies can help you reach more potential clients. In the digital era, where everyone is online, you will find the majority of your clients through the right marketing.

Leveraging Online Marketing

  • Optimize Your Website: Use SEO techniques to improve your website’s visibility on search engines with keywords like “how to get commercial cleaning contracts” and “cleaning contracts.” Think about what the user might be searching for and make your content after that. If you know what problems your clients are facing then you can solve them and become their hero!
  • Use Online Directories: List your business on online directories and review sites to increase your visibility. Before anyone finalizes your business, they will check for reviews online. Good reviews on your website and good reviews on some listing matters makes a lot of difference.
  • Email Marketing: Develop an email marketing campaign to keep potential clients informed about your services and promotions. Email marketing is a sure way to get noticed and get quality leads in any business. Run a campaign, send newsletters and make noise.

Utilizing Social Media Platforms

  • Create Business Profiles: Set up profiles on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Regularly post and keep your account active. With good impressions and likes on your posts, you will get in direct traffic to the website. This will impact your conversion rate and get you more cleaning contracts.
  • Share Valuable Content: Regularly post content that showcases your expertise and the benefits of your services. These blogs and content will improve your SEO and build reliability in the market.
  • Engage with Followers: Respond to comments and messages promptly to build relationships with your audience. Your followers will convert into loyal clients if you keep them engaged. Once you start getting new cleaning contacts, it is important to retain them as well.

Networking and Building Relationships

  • Attend Industry Events: Participate in trade shows, conferences, and local business events to meet potential clients. You will get knowledge and share your experiences. This gets your name going in the cleaning market and you can make great link-ups.
  • Join Business Associations: Become a member of local business associations to expand your network. These business associations will get you into a group that has been in the industry for a long.
  • Form Partnerships: Collaborate with related businesses, such as property management companies, to gain referrals. Look for industries that are parallel to your industry, which are not your direct competition. When you collaborate with these industries, they will help you get new cleaning contracts. This way you make good relations in the industry and get business too!

Enhancing Service Quality

Providing high-quality service is key to retaining clients and winning new contracts. Focus on implementing quality control measures, training your team, and investing in advanced equipment.

Implementing Quality Control Measures

  • Regular Inspections: Conduct routine inspections to ensure cleaning standards are being met. This will increase the productivity and accountability of your employees.
  • Client Feedback: Use client feedback to continuously improve your services. Get their insights and make sure you implement them. When your client will feel included and heard in your business, they are likely to stay longer.
  • Performance Metrics: Track performance metrics to identify areas for improvement. Keep a regular check on your cleaning staff’s performance. If your company is small, it will be easy. But as you start growing your cleaning business, it will be difficult to keep track of everything.

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Training and Developing Your Team

  • Ongoing Training: Provide regular training sessions to keep your team updated on the latest cleaning techniques and safety protocols. Protect your company from any false claims.
  • Certifications: Encourage your staff to obtain relevant certifications to enhance their skills. Make sure that the certificates are updated on time. This prevents your company from facing any legal issues in the future.
  • Employee Recognition: Recognize and reward high-performing employees to motivate your team. I know that retaining clients is important. But retaining good employees is just as important. There are multiple ways you can retain your clients.

Following Up with Potential Clients

Following up with potential clients is crucial to securing contracts. Timely follow-ups, building long-term relationships, and handling rejections professionally can make a significant difference.

Importance of Timely Follow-Ups

  • Set Reminders: Use CRM tools to set reminders for follow-up calls and emails. This keeps you and your team on track. If your name is still fresh in the minds of the potential customers, the chances of getting chosen are higher.

  • Personalized Communication: Tailor your follow-up messages to address specific client needs and concerns. These follow-up messages keep a check on the changing needs of the clients too.

  • Persistence: Be persistent but respectful in your follow-up efforts.

Building Long-Term Relationships

  • Regular Check-Ins: Keep in touch with clients even after securing the contract to ensure satisfaction and address any issues. Getting clients might get easier, but to keep them choosing you is a different task.
  • Offer Value: Provide ongoing value through tips, updates, and exclusive offers.
  • Show Appreciation: Thank clients for their business and consider sending personalized notes or small gifts during holidays. This way you will not need to search “how do I land more contracts for my cleaning business” again and again.

Handling Rejections Professionally

  • Seek Feedback: Ask for feedback from clients who choose not to hire you to understand their decision. Remember you are in this for the long run. You will get rejected and you need to deal with it in a professional manner.
  • Stay Positive: Maintain a positive attitude and use the feedback to improve your services. Keep up your hopes, you can change strategies and look for other options. But do not get discouraged.
  • Follow Up Later: Keep the door open for future opportunities by checking in periodically. Maybe the client did not choose you because they did not have the need. But that does not mean that they will not need your services in the future too. You can keep following up after months and see if that there is an opportunity.


When you are in the long run to provide commercial cleaning services to your clients, these steps help you a lot. Your target must be not only to win more contracts but to retain loyal customers as well. Still not feeling satisfied with the information? Worry not, we have another option for you to choose from. In that, we will especially target 5 steps to win more contracts and clients in cleaning services. This way you do not have to search over the internet for the steps and strategies again.

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