
Promoting A Security Guard Business To Get Clients and Contracts in 2023

Fri, Feb 19, 2021

Read in 8 minutes

Promoting A Security Guard Business To Get Clients and Contracts in 2023

People spend money when and where they feel secure. You must do your best to ensure you offer them a reason to trust.

Security is imperative but also an area that has clients with many inhibitions. Before choosing any security services a person will think of things like

  • Will the security guard be loyal? 

  • Can I trust the security guards for safekeeping and protection? 

  • Should I hire independent business security guards or engage with a security guard business? 

    All these questions make marketing a security business a tough sell. Working around the do’s and don’ts of security business marketing can cause a lot of frustration for business owners. Even if you have a clear understanding of the needs of your target market, you may face circumstances you are least prepared for. On top of this, there is stiff competition in the security guard industry with every other business trying to bag your share of clients and security guard business contracts.

    So, what do you do? Even if you have tried doing your best, there are some innovative ways to ensure you remain at top of your game. You can attract, convert and retain your clients and bag more security company contracts very efficiently and we are here to tell you how to do just that.

    By the end of this post, you will be well-versed with some of the proven tactics to make your security guard business most desirable by using a marketing strategy that helps you get more clients and contracts. So, let it get started:

    1. Stand out of the Crowd!
    2. Make a powerful Pricing Strategy
    3. Work on Contract Proposals; they must be enticing!
    4. Research before you make any decision
    5. Market yourself with Digital means!
    6. Work on your reviews and ratings
    7. Review and Upgrade

    Though many factors contribute to a great marketing strategy, we aren’t talking about anything conventional today. The below-mentioned tactics are more direct and effective when it comes to making a prominent hold in the market, bringing in more contract leads and new clients plus boosting sales!

    1. Stand Out Of The Crowd!

    The first thing you need to do is make yourself exclusive. You must offer the unusual to the client and do it before anyone else. While uncompromised security remains the main target, it is also important that you help the client achieve peace of mind. You must offer them services that are easy to integrate with their business practices. From communicating security patrol schedules to reporting incidents and more on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, you must try to keep the client in a loop when performing security. You must focus on offering client satisfaction and it is what makes you a one-of-a-kind business.

    A fine way to ensure transparency in the security guard business and ensure client satisfaction is by using advanced technology. Security management software is a must-have tool that allows you to keep the client informed and offer top-notch customer service.

    2. Make A Powerful Marketing Strategy

    Having an online presence is what your company needs to excel. Even if you have great security services, if the world does not know about it, all of your hard work will go down the drain. Be strategic with marketing and know about the needs of the clients. Security clients will reach out on their own if they find you reliable. But how will you sell security guard services online when the market is saturated? By simply following the following steps!

    • Invest in Pay Per Click advertising - a great way to get clients and be on the top of the Search page, quite literally.
    • Optimize your site for mobile - everyone will be on their phone for 80% of the day and if you can grab their attention there, you have cracked one code!

    3. Work on Contract Proposals; They Must Be Enticing!

    It is your contract proposal that makes the whole difference and creates the first impression. Do not make a generic contract proposal for all your clients. Instead, focus on customization. If you are working on a brand new property, you must include relative terms in the contract and mention the most common incidents at that type of property and what you will do to prevent them. Similarly, for businesses that are working with other security guard businesses, make sure you tell them why hiring you would be an advantage. Work on your contract proposals extensively and make them more attractive and compelling.

    4. Research Before You Make Any Decision

    You need to do research for your target audience as well. You cannot just provide services for just anyone. With good research on your target audience, you will cut down on the extra cost. Do not bid for just any contract or approach a client without research. You must remember how rigorously you researched before you started the security business. Just like that, you need to put all your resources into evaluating the available opportunities and apply for the ones that appear winnable.

    A great practice to woo the client is to request a property walk before you bid for the contract. This will make the potential client believe that you are serious about the work and not just another company wanting more business.

    During the property walk, you get a perfect opportunity to show your expertise to the client. The exercise allows you to win the trust of the client and at the same time, offer an opportunity for the client to evaluate your credibility. 

    5. Market Yourself With Digital Means!

    If you stick with the conventional marketing approach, you need to do better. Digitalization has hit us hard and for good. Social media is now the most cost-effective way to market yourself to clients. While as a smart security guard business, you may be already using Security Guard Management Software, you also need to maximize the use of technology and choose to market your business through digital channels. 

    • Build an impressive website, 
    • work on your SEO ranking, 
    • use PPC and 
    • Guest blogging for better connectivity and 
    • utilize social media for business promotions. 

Remember, the more your clients see you on different platforms, the better they perceive you as a potential security business for collaborations. When you use modern means of marketing, you can create an image of an aware business with hands-on knowledge of technology and trends.

6. Work On Your Reviews And Ratings

As to Google, over 91% of millennials trust online reviews. Moreover, over half of the consumers do not trust security guard vendor companies that have a rating of lower than 4 stars. Adding to it, positive reviews can lift the conversion rate by more than 10%. Working on your reviews and ratings can help you amazingly in lifting the business image and making yourself a credible business.

You must ask your existing client to leave testimonials on your business website. You must also make efforts to get positive Google reviews as Google reviews make up over 57.5% of the total reviews around the globe.

7. Review And Upgrade

Marketing strategies can be made flawless but they are a constant. You must review your marketing strategy from time to time and upgrade. New trends and interests develop in your client market and it is important to ensure that your security guard business is synced with them when approaching a prospective customer. Improvise your branding, work on your training methods, and brush up your online presence now and then to stay alert and make a business that follows the latest trends.

Now that you have learned what to do be the best guard services in the market, you need to learn what to avoid. Know what makes you undesirable to the clients and avoid them as much as you can!

What To Avoid When Selling Security Guard Services?

Having No Specialization

Do not try to be the jack of all trades. This will lower your chances to get a loyal client. If you claim to be the best in all of the security services you provide this will create doubt in the minds of the clients. Have one specific specialization and be so good in it that no one can beat you. This will help you get more clients and you can even convert your potential clients into customers.

Claims With No Proof

Anyone in the market can claim to provide the best security services, but now the clients want proof. They will search for reviews and if they have even a percentage of doubt that you cannot provide the service, you will be replaced within a second. You can gain the trust of your clients with relevant proof. This will assure them that you can keep them safe.

Not Keeping Your Clients In The Loop

When a client is spending money on your services, they expect to know where that amount is being spent on. To get their money’s worth, keeping a client in the loop is very important. It’s your job to make your clients feel safe and secure, and that can be achieved if you let them know what measures you intend to take for their safety.


It can be tough to win new security guard business contracts but it isn’t impossible. You can thrive as a security guard business with the richest client base when you know what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. We sincerely hope that you work on your business marketing ways and bag the most lucrative and long-lasting clients and security guard contracts for sale. Be one of the best security guard vendor companies!

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